About the organization

On this page you can learn more about the legal structure of Gaianet as a foundation, you can read our Social Enterprise Plan and discover how we allocate donations.


The Legal Board

Please note: Our legal board has no authority in the Work Context. This means that all Contributors that are filling roles in the organization are free to do so as they see fit in pursuit of Purpose. The Board has officially transferred all authority to the Holacracy Constitution V5. This means that the Roles have the full authority to move their own work forward. You can find an overview of the current contributors on this page.

Bart Hoorweg: Secretary

Alexander Keehnen: President

Daan Gorter: Treasurer


How we work and what we do

If you want to get a deeper sense of what it is we do and how we are currently running the organization, please check the two documents below. Please note that we try to keep this up-to-date as well as we can, but with a world that is changing so rapidly, certain details might no longer be true.

Document 1: Social Enterprise Plan

Document 2: Gaianet Operating System


Financial allocation

At the current stage of our organization, the financial resources are limited. Yet, we feel it’s important to have a transparent allocation plan and a place where those who are interested can find more details on the exact costs.

This is why we work with OpenCollective. Starting in January 2023, all expenses will be added to the page, giving our financial supporters direct insight into what is happening with their donations.

Our OpenCollective page can be found here.

After deducting the fixed costs for software and other services, we work with various allocations for the remaining capital. This will change when the income grows. Below is an overview of the current allocation strategy:

Fund and grow the team working on Gaianet, an allocation of 40%.

Expert costs
Paying external experts that can help us grow and develop, an allocation of 10%

The savings account that will get us through any rainy days, an allocation of 10%

Making investments in aligned external projects, an allocation of 20%

Internal projects
Investing in internal research & development of projects, an allocation of 20%


Do you want to know more? Get in touch!